Monday 27 July 2020

S.Y.B.A Syllabus (DSC) 2020-21 (Sem III & IV)

Semester III
Paper Title- BRITISH POETRY AND DRAMA: 14th to 17th Centuries
Paper Code – ENC 103
No. of Credits: 04
No. of Lectures per week: 04 (60 Lectures)

Course Content:
1. Geoffrey ChaucerThe Wife of Bath’s Prologue

2. Edmund Spenser Selections from Amoretti:
- Sonnet LXVII ‘Like as a huntsman...’
- Sonnet LVII ‘Sweet warrior...’
- Sonnet LXXV ‘One day I wrote her name...’

3. John Donne
- ‘The Sunne Rising’
- ‘Batter My Heart’
- ‘Valediction: forbidding mourning’

4. Christopher Marlowe – Doctor Faustus
5. William Shakespeare – Macbeth
6. William Shakespeare – Twelfth Night

Suggested Topics and Background Prose Readings for Class Presentations
Topics :
Renaissance Humanism
The Stage, Court and City
Religious and Political Thought
Ideas of Love and Marriage
The Writer in Society

1. Pico Della Mirandola, excerpts from the Oration on the Dignity of Man, in The Portable
Renaissance Reader, ed. James Bruce Ross and Mary Martin McLaughlin (New York: Penguin
Books, 1953) pp. 476–9.
2. John Calvin, ‘Predestination and Free Will’, in The Portable Renaissance Reader, ed. James Bruce Ross and Mary Martin McLaughlin (New York: Penguin Books, 1953) pp. 704–11.
3. Baldassare Castiglione, ‘Longing for Beauty’ and ‘Invocation of Love’, in Book 4 of The Courtier, ‘Love and Beauty’, tr. George Bull (Harmondsworth: Penguin, rpt. (1983) pp. 324–8, 330–5.
4. Philip Sidney, An Apology for Poetry, ed. Forrest G. Robinson (Indianapolis: Bobbs - Merrill,1970) pp. 13–18.

Paper Title- BRITISH POETRY AND DRAMA: 17th & 18th Centuries
Paper Code – ENC 104
No. of Credits: 04
No. of Lectures per week: 04 (60 Lectures)

Course Content:
1. John Milton – Paradise Lost: Book 1
2. John Webster – The Duchess of Malfi
3. Aphra Behn – The Rover
4. Alexander Pope – The Rape of the Lock

Suggested Topics and Background Prose Readings for Class Presentations
Religious and Secular Thought in the 17th Century
The Stage, the State and the Market
The Mock-epic and Satire
Women in the 17th Century
The Comedy of Manners

1. The Holy Bible, Genesis, chaps. 1–4, The Gospel according to St. Luke, chaps. 1–7 and 22–4.
2. Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince, ed. and tr. Robert M. Adams (New York: Norton, (1992) chaps. 15, 16, 18, and 25.
3. Thomas Hobbes, selections from The Leviathan, pt. I (New York: Norton, 2006) chaps 8, 11, and 13.
4. John Dryden, ‘A Discourse Concerning the Origin and Progress of Satire’, in The Norton Anthology of English Literature, vol. 1, 9th edn, ed. Stephen Greenblatt (New York: Norton 2012) pp. 1767–8.

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