Monday 11 December 2023

English Solo Singing Competition

The Department of English organised an English solo singing competition on 11th Dec 2023 at 2.00 p.m. in the seminar hall. A total of 4 students participated in the competition.


Judges for the competition was :-

1) Mr Oscar De Noronha, Associate Professor in English

2) Cherrie Joao, Assistant Professor in Commerce

3) Mr Sairaj Bhat, Assistant Professor in History


Winners of the competition are as follows:

1st place - Suraj Divcholkar

2nd place - Anju Parwar

3rd place - Khushi Parab

Consolation prize- Sister Liyana Dantes


The programme was co-ordinated by Miss Siddhi Sangle, Assistant Professor in English. The Compere for the program was Miss Mahima Naik and the vote of thanks was proposed   by Miss Mayuri  Pednekar



Effective Comparing and Public Speaking skills


The Department of English organised a talk-cum-workshop on Effective Compering and Public Speaking skills on 11 December 2023 from 10.00 a.m. till 12.10 noon in the seminar hall. The resource person for the same was Mr Shailesh Rajput, a renowned anchor, comperer, and emcee. A total of 103 students participated in the same. The talk was open for FY,SY,TY students of BA and

Programme started by welcoming the guest and the audience followed by floral welcome of the Resource person.

Mr Rajput explained students on how to be effective while compering , provided them with lots of tips. During the session he threw light on Importance of voice modulation, significance of appearance, body movement, and also presence of mind while conducting a event.

He enlightened audience about various job opportunities available in this field along with the possible challenges in the future.

At the end he conducted an activity where in students were encourage to come up on stage and speak followed by question and answer sessions

The programme was co-ordinated by Miss Siddhi Sangle, Assistant Professor of English. The compère  for the program was Miss Sejal Naik, student of SYBA and  the vote of thanks was proposed by Mrs Neha Minesh Kalangutkar,Assistant Professor of English.

Tuesday 10 October 2023

Glimpses of "Soft Skills Workshop" 2023




The Department of English organised a "SOFT SKILLS WORKSHOP" on 30th September 2023 in the Seminar Hall of the College from 11.00-1.00 pm.

The Resource Person for the workshop was Mrs. Gauravi Khaunte, Asst. Professor of English at Government College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Quepem. Mrs. Gauravi conducts regular workshops for children on English language learning skills. She is also a translator and a book reviewer. 

The workshop started with formal welcome by Principal Prof. (Dr.) Filipe Rodrigues e Melo. He spoke on the importance of communication skills and highlighted the key benefits of being a good speaker.

Mrs. Gauravi Khaunte was welcomed with the potted plant by Principal as a toke of gratitude.

The workshop highlighted the nuances of pronunciation, building social skills and etiquettes of speaking gracefully.

The workshop was compered by Ms. Manasi NaikDesai, student of F.Y.B.A.

The Vote of Thanks was proposed by Asst. Professor Ms. Siddhi Sangle.

The entire workshop was coordinated by Asst. Professor Ms. Neha Kalangutkar.

The total of 78 students participated in the workshop.

Tuesday 5 September 2023

Winners of Best Blog Competition - 30th August, 2023

Nature and Nurture ( - 1st Place Ms. Manasi Kalangutkar (SYBCOM)

Nature and Nurture ( - 2nd Place Ms. Diksha Mandrekar (TYBA)

NATURE AND NURTURE ( 3rd Place Mr. Kartik Sawant (SYBCOM)

Best Blog Competition

 The Department of English organized "Best Blog" competition on 30th August 2023. Judging for the same was done today on the Teachers' Day in the seminar hall at 11.00-12.00 pm. (5th September)

Total of 14 students participated. There were three judges for the competition namely: 

Mr. Sairaj Bhatt- Asst. Professor of History

Mr. Shubham Naik- Asst. Professor of Computer Science

Mr. Arjun Morajkar- Asst. Professor of Economics

The winners of the competition were as follows:

1st place- Ms. Manasi Kalangutkar- SYBCOM

2nd place- Ms. Diksha Mandrekar- TYBA

3rd place- Mr. Kartik Sawant- SYBCOM

The vote of thanks was proposed by Ms. Ashwini Chawhan (SYBCOM) 

The competition was coordinated by Mrs. Neha Kalangutkar, Asst. Professor of English.

Monday 10 April 2023

Doordarshan Kendra and Central Library (Excursion)

 The Department of English of Sant. Sohirobanath Ambiye Government College Pernem had organised one day Excursion on 11th April, 2023. It was targeted for  SYBA students of SEC and AECC English Subject.

The students were taken first to Doordarshan Kendra, Altinho - Panaji. They first visited the studio, where they were  explained by their personnel regarding telecasting and editing of news in detail. Students were encouraged to ask questions and their doubts were rectified by the person in charge. 

Later the students were taken to Central Library Panaji where Miss Siddhi Shetkar (Librarian) explained the various floors and the exquisite books available under each floor.

Short listed three winners for excursion were:

1) Abhishek Pujari from S.Y..B.A for photography

2) Krunal Harmalkar from S.Y..B.A for Report writing

We the students of SSA Govt. College Of Arts & Commerce Pernem had organised the English Excursion Tour at Central Library , Doordarshan Goa & Site scene at Miramar Campal Beach for the students of SYBA of English Department. The total number of students were approximately 50 were taken to the trip . The tour begins form college campus by our own college bus . While going for the trip we had sing a song lot of over there and as we reach to our first destination ie, Doordarshan Kendra Panjim ; there we get to learn how the recording has been done & how live news get telecast and editing work . The studio was fully setup up by camera , lights & green screen . The Doordarshan also take the drama shorts over there and telecast at there news channel etc . We get to learn form sir how the editing & others works had been done over there sir had explained to us very nicely. I wold like to say few words what the sir had tell us during the explanation Doordarshan is an autonomous public service broadcaster founded by the Government of India, which is one of two divisions of Prasar Bharati.It is one of India's largest broadcasting organisations in terms of studio and transmitter infrastructure, having been established on 15 September 1959. After that we had gone to over next destination ie, Goa State Central Library, According to its official site, it is "the oldest Public Library in India," having been inaugurated on 15 September 1832 by the Portuguese Viceroy of Goa, Dom Manuel de Portugal e Castro. It was known then as the Publica Livraria of the Academia Militar de Goa (Military Training Institute). This library is the oldest library in India and there were also have the internet service for the user who can access to the internet for the study referenced and AC & Non - Ac room also available for the study without any disturbances. Backside of the central library there is a place beautiful called a Mangroves Birdwalk, India’s second Mangrove Boardwalk opened in the heart of Panjim city (the first one is in the Andaman islands). Located right behind the Goa State Central Library (now also called Krishnadas Shama Library), this walk is an insight into the many types of mangrove species, the wildlife of the area and a call for a close interaction with nature.

This first-of-its-kind walkway over the mangroves is for visitors to explore, discover and learn more about the flora and fauna of the region. Located over the Ourem Creek, this one is spread across 1,100 square metres and is free for all to visit. Opened to public a while ago, one can go here anytime of the day to just walk around, look at the frogs, crabs, birds and other creatures that reside in these mangroves. Oh, and there are 14 different types of mangroves there too.

The importance of mangroves in protecting the coastal ecosystem from heavy floods and damage is something that most of us don’t really dwell on. But if you visit this boardwalk, it may just help you understand how nature has provided us with everything. Young or old, environmentally aware or not, a visit here will bring a lot of insights. Plus, it also has benches for those who just want to sit and enjoy the peace and quiet. 

Off late, lots of locals have taken to this wooden walkway to get away from the city and soak in all of this natural beauty. It helps to know that the making of this boardwalk didn't require any deforestation and was made keeping in mind the ecosystem. And, who do we thank for this? The Imagine Panaji Smart City Development Project with assistance from the Central Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs. Also we have by side of the central library Newly open Bridge call Gyan Sethu Walkway connecting Mala and Patto, midway Goa's central library, easing daily commute of students and public working either sides.

The name 'Gnyaan Setu' since the bridge connects directly to the library or 'knowledge' after that we had moved to the our last destination ie, Miramar Campal Beach for having a lunch , after having a lunch we had clicked some good pictures over there and spend some good time with friends. Almost by 2.45 pm we had leaved form the Miramar , while returning home we had played a game called Aantakshari among us and we can’t also get the time to check out the outside of the bus how times goes we can’t only know and when we reached back to the college while playing . I guess almost at 4.30 or something we had back to the college and our trip get over . Our special thanks to the Department of English who had organised a great excursion for the students of SYBA .

Name :- Krunal Harmalkar 

Class :- SYBA

3) Isha from S.Y.B.A for DST


Monday 20 March 2023

Wallpaper Inaugural & Poetry Recitation

Department of English organised
Wallpaper Inaugural & Poetry Recitation on 'World Poetry day' 

The Department of English organised ‘Wallpaper Inaugural and Poetry Recitation’ on the occasion of ‘World Poetry Day’ on 21st March, 2023 in the Seminar Hall at 11.00 to 12.00 pm. The theme for Poetry Recitation was ‘Nature and Beauty.’ The aim of the program was to encourage students to participate spontaneously and build skill for poetic expression.

 The theme for wallpaper  was ‘ Goan Writers.’ The students of B.A. and were requested to contribute for the wallpaper 15 days in advance.

Head of the Department Assoc. Professor Oscar de Noronha inaugured  the wallpaper. He spoke on importance of creative writing and encouraged students to come up with different ideas for the wallpaper in future. 

 The students actively participated and recited the poem of their liking, whereas some recited the poem that they composed.

The recitation was followed by certificate distribution for the different activities held by the English Department for the current academic year. (2022-2023)

Writing Letters to Editors coordinated by Asst. Professor Neha Minesh Kalangutkar. 

Spelling Bee Competition coordinated by Asst. Professor Siddhi Sangle.

Essay Writing Competition coordinated by Asst. Professor Vividha Agarwadekar.

The total of 76  students participated for the program.

Asst. Professor Siddhi Sangle proposed the vote of thanks. The program was compèred by Ms. Arya Kamat. The program was coordinated by Asst. Professor Neha Minesh Kalangutkar.  

Friday 3 February 2023

Workshop titled 'Digital Storytelling'

The Department of English organised a workshop titled 'Digital Storytelling’ on 3rd February 2023, from 11:00 to 1:00 p.m., in Seminar hall. It was open for all the students of F.Y.BCom.

A total of 82 (47 Male, 35 Female and 52 General, 30 OBC) students particiated for the workshop, Mrs Neha Kalangutkar was called as a resource person.

After the workshop, each participant produced written and visual story using the toolkit received from the training provided to them in the workshop, followed by performance test students were told to write and read stories.

The program was overall coordinated by Ms Vividha Vijay Agarwadekar, Assistance professor of English. The attendance of the students is duly attached.

Shaping a Nation: History of America

  Detailed Report of the Activity   The Department of English, under the Centre for Languages, o rganized a talk titled Shaping a Nation...