Monday, 27 July 2020

S.Y.B.A (MIL) 2020- 21 (Sem III & IV)

English 2/MIL/Hindi
Paper Title- Advanced Communicative English 2.1
Paper Code – EGC 103
No. of Credits: 04
No. of Lectures per week: 04 (60 Lectures)

Course objectives
This advanced course enhances the skills of reading, writing and listening. It encourages recognition and awareness of different genres of writing.
Topical and social themes form an integral part of the course. The course teaches the students
listening skills in class and tests these skills for constant monitoring of their proficiency.
The course broadens the horizons of the text by assignments which are flexible, and can enhance the creativity of the student.
The course advocates a small interdisciplinary component of translation for students, providing a window to diversity and multiculturalism. This may be done as a group/individual activity.

Course Content:
Oral communication (Debate, discussion and negotiation).........14 contact hours
Class activity may include a student team designing a sales campaign keeping in mind negotiating skills or topic specific group/panel discussions
Pair based activity. E.g. two friends discussing the choice of food available in the canteen OR a group discussion: should students be allowed to use cell phones in the classroom?

Learning to listen……………………………….……………….08 contact hours
Listening comprehension: A passage/excerpt from a short story is read out, students identify
main points/themes, modify the closing of the narrative and
supply an appropriate title. (I.S.A 10 marks)

Writing at the workplace................……....................................18 contact hours
Practical grammar:
Parts of Speech--- noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, conjunctions, preposition, interjection, Antonyms and synonyms, Prefixes and suffixes, Abbreviations

Writing personnel letters such as Job Applications, Joining/ Job Acceptance letters and
Goodwill letters such as Appreciation, Congratulatory letters and Sponsorship letters

Formal e-correspondence: Students are expected to practice writing effective emails,
identifying errors in online correspondence, etc...

Writing representations to a higher authority

Drafting notices and writing minutes of meetings
R.T.I application format
(SEE – one question on Personnel/Goodwill/ Representation letters and one question on writing an actual R.T.I application letter)

Analysis and Interpretation of ‘texts’: advertising/art & painting/sculpture & installation art /
religious writing/ speeches. This should cover overt and covert meanings; symbolic, metaphorical meaning; figures of speech and their effects
(SEE – a prose passage/ poem or picture to be given and the student will have to analyze the specimen and write their interpretation of the ‘text’ given.)..12 contact hours

Translation (from Hindi or Konkani to English) of a text/a recipe or menu/an advertisement/ a
notice/ a poster/an entertainment programme…………..8 contact hours (I.S.A of 10 marks)
When the translation component is not feasible, a Slide Presentation may be prepared on Art/Culture (egs: dance, drama, music, painting, sculpture, architecture, festivals, folk forms) of a distinct tribe, group, state or country (I.S.A of 10 marks )
E.g. a student may make a slide presentation on the potter community in the village of Soccoro.

Scheme of Examination
Intra Semester Assessment [I.S.A] 20 marks.
Semester End Examination [SEE] 80 marks

I.S.A - 20 marks
(Any two to be selected):
A. Listening comprehension
B. Translation of a classified advertisement or menu or recipe
C. A slide presentation on Art/Culture

Semester End Examination 80 marks
Q1. Short answer questions on various areas of grammar are to be tested (16 marks)
a. Parts of speech
b. Prefix and suffix
c. Abbreviations
d. Antonyms and synonyms

Q 2. Analysis and interpretation of a text (16 marks)

Q 3. Dialogue writing                                    (12 marks)
Q 4. Questions on Personnel/Goodwill/ Representation letters (12 marks)
Q 5. Write an RTI application letter              (12 marks)
Q 6. Drafting minutes and/or notices          (12 marks)

English 2/MIL/Hindi
Paper Title- Advanced Communicative English 2.2
Paper Code – EGC 104
No. of Credits: 04

No. of Lectures per week: 04 (60 Lectures)

Course Content:
Report writing – 18 contact hours
Investigative and Feasibility Reports
Appraisal Reports (ISA 10 marks)

Making a presentation with audio visual aids, (PPT, video, short film) on the following areas:
a local or national issue; a business idea or proposal; explaining a process; presenting a tourism
related promotional campaign; informing and providing knowledge of a scientific discovery.
(E.g.: public hospitals/dowry/female foeticide/child labour/ garbage management in my village/ a historical monument/how pianos are tuned/ /adventure sport, etc).
Students have to work on their own putting into practice all the skills learnt earlier.
Teachers should only give instructions, guidelines and approve the chosen topics.
(ISA 10 marks) ………...6 contact hours

English Idioms & Phrasal Verbs …... 6 contact hours
Identifying and correcting grammatical errors …….6 contact hours
Interpretation, appreciation and critical evaluation of poetry …..12 contact hours
Editing: Students to practice editing skills on prose passages ….12 contact hours

Scheme of Examination
Intra Semester Assessment [I.S.A] 20 marks.
Semester End Examination [SEE] 80 marks.

ISA - 20 marks
A. Report Writing
B. Presentation

Semester End Examination 80 marks
Q 1. Report Writing   (16 marks)
Q 2. Editing an unseen passage (16 marks)
Q 3. English Idioms& Phrasal Verbs (12 marks)
Q 4. Identifying and correcting grammatical errors (12 marks)
Q 5. Critical appreciation of an unseen poem (12 marks)
Q 6. Draft the text to be used in a presentation of six slides (12 marks)

Recommended Reading for Semesters III & IV
1) Bhaskaran, M. and Horsburgh, D. Strengthen Your English. Oxford University Press, Delhi
2) Bhatia, R. C. Business Communication.Ane Books Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
3) Business English, Pearson, Delhi, 2008.
4) ed. Chadha, Tara and Others Foundation English, Book II and III. Publication Division, Delhi
5) Doctor & Doctor. Principles and Practice of Business Communication. Sheth Publishers, 2014.
6) English at the Workplace Part I, Macmillan, Delhi, 2008.
7) Everyday English II (Foundation 2006).
8) Fluency in English Part I, Macmillan, Delhi, 2005.
9) Fluency in English Part II, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 2006. 10) ed. 
     Dr. Mishra, Gauri, Dr. Kaul, Ranjana, Dr. Biswas, Barat. Language through Literature. Primus Books, Delhi, 2015.
11) Hewing, Martin. Advanced English Grammar. Cambridge UP, 2010.
12)Language, Literature and Creativity, Orient Blackswan, 2013.
13) Lesikar, R.V. &Flatley, M.E.; Basic Business Communication Skills for Empowering the Internet Generation, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi.
14) Ludlow, R. & Panton, F.; The Essence of Effective Communications
      Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
15)Murphy, Raymond. Essential English Grammar, 2nd Ed, 
     Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2007.
16)Murphy, Raymond. Intermediate English Grammar, 2nd Ed, 
    Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2012.
17)Scot, O.; Contemporary Business Communication. Biztantra, New Delhi.
18)ed. Sood, S.C. etal.Developing Language Skills-1. Spantech, Delhi 1991
19)ed. by Varma, Promodini and Others English at the Workplace Parts 1 and 2.
 Oxford University Press, 2006.

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Awarded, paper presented and Conference attended

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