Siddhi Sangle was called as judge for an elocution competition for higher secondary school students, organized under the initiative Atmanirbhar Bharat Swayampurna Goa in collaboration with InGoa Media and the Film Television Academy. The event was a wonderful platform to witness the talent and enthusiasm of young students. Siddhi Sangle was also honored with a certificate of appreciation by the organizers.
Ms. Fabiola Rocha, Assistant Professor in English presented a research paper, titled, ' A Tapestry of Themes: Exploring Morality, Supernaturalism, and Cultural Identity in Lucio Rodrigues' The Wise Fools of Moira and Other Goan Folk Tales ' at A Two -Day National Seminar on ' Deciphering Indian Folk Heritage: Revisiting the Past & Reevaluating the Present to Rethink the Future ' held on 10th & 11th January 2025, organised by the Department of English of Dnyanprassarak Mandal's College and Research Centre, Assagao - Goa .
Ms Siddhi Sangle, Asst Prof of English and Ms Vividha Agarwadekar, Asst Prof of English, attend a One Day Multidisciplinary National Conference on the theme "Digital Dialogues: Social Media and Society organized by the Department of Economics Govemment College, Borda-Margao, Goa(Autonomous) on 11 January 2025 in the seminar hall of the Borda college.